Below the various steps to update Arfooo Directory From version 1.0.7 to version 1.0.8 1) Make a backup of your database 2) Replace the folder 'admin/' on your server through the new folder 'admin/' version 1.0.8 3) Replace the folder 'components/' on your server through the new folder 'components/' version 1.0.8 4) In the folder 'config/' repalce the file 'version.php' your server by new files version 1.0.8 5) In the folder 'controllers/' repalce the files 'CommentController.php', 'MenuController.php', 'SiteController.php' and 'WebmasterController.php' your server by new files version 1.0.8 6) Upload on your server the new file 'controllers/NewsletterController.php' version 1.0.8 7) In the folder 'core/' repalce the files 'ErrorHandler.php' and 'Session.php' your server by new files version 1.0.8 8) Replace the folder 'javascript/' on your server through the new folder 'javascript/' de la version 1.0.8 9) Replace the folder 'languages/' on your server through the new folder 'languages/' de la version 1.0.8 10) In the folder 'models/' replace the files 'AdModel.php', 'CommentModel.php', 'OtherReferrerSiteModel.php', 'RefusalModel.php', 'SearchTagModel.php', 'SiteModel.php', and 'StatisticModel.php' your server by new files version 1.0.8 11) In the folder 'models/' upload the new files 'BannedTagModel.php', 'NewsletterEmailModel.php' and 'VerificationModel.php'on your server. 12) Replace the folder 'moderation/' on your server through the new folder 'moderation/' version 1.0.8 13) In the folder 'views/' replace the file 'TemplateLiteView.php' your server by new files version 1.0.8 14) the folder templates/ We will proceed to change line by line. These changes will take about 20 minutes. # #----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------ # templates/arfooo/css/style.css # #----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ # .column_in_thematic { float:left; width:632px; margin:0; padding:0; padding-bottom:2px; margin-bottom:3px; border-bottom:1px #574d44 dashed; } # #----[ REPLACE WITH ]------------------------------------------ # .column_in_thematic { float:left; width:642px; margin:0; padding:0; padding-bottom:2px; margin-bottom:3px; border-bottom:1px #574d44 dashed; } .column_in_comment { float:left; width:642px; margin:0; padding:0; padding-top:7px; padding-bottom:7px; border-bottom:1px #574d44 dashed; } .column_in_comment_grey { float:left; width:642px; margin:0; padding:0; padding-top:7px; padding-bottom:7px; border-bottom:1px #574d44 dashed; background-color:#efefef; } .column_in_comment_add { float:left; width:642px; margin:0; padding:0; padding-top:30px; padding-bottom:2px; margin-bottom:10px; border-bottom:1px #574d44 dashed; font-weight:bold; } # #----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ # .text_center { text-align:center; font-weight:bold; } # #----[ AFTER ADD ]------------------------------------------ # .text_comment { font-size:0.8em; color:#574d44; } # #----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ # input.searchbutton { margin-top:3px; margin-bottom:3px; } # #----[ REPLACE WITH ]------------------------------------------ # input.newsletter_input { width:144px; margin-top:3px; margin-bottom:3px; } input.searchbutton { margin-top:3px; margin-bottom:3px; } input.subutton { width:62px; margin-top:3px; margin-bottom:3px; } input.unsubutton { width:82px; margin-top:3px; margin-bottom:3px; } # #----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------ # templates/arfooo/menu/menuleft/menuleft.tpl # #----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ # {if $setting.keywordsEnabled}{"menu/displayKeywords"|action}{/if} # #----[ AFTER ADD ]------------------------------------------ # {if $setting.newsletterEnabled} {/if} # #----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------ # templates/arfooo/menu/menuleft/statistics.tpl # #----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ # {if isset($statistic.refusedSitesCount)}
  • {'Websites Refused'|lang} : {$statistic.refusedSitesCount}
  • {/if} # #----[ AFTER ADD ]------------------------------------------ # {if isset($statistic.bannedSitesCount)}
  • {'Websites Banned'|lang} : {$statistic.bannedSitesCount}
  • {/if} # #----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------ # templates/arfooo/site/details.tpl # #----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ # # #----[ AFTER ADD ]------------------------------------------ # {if $setting.commentsDisplayMethod == "siteDetails"} {/if} # #----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ #
    {if $setting.commentsEnabled} {'Write a comment'|lang} {/if}
    # #----[ REPLACE WITH ]------------------------------------------ #
    {if $setting.commentsEnabled} {if $setting.commentsDisplayMethod == "popup"} {'Write a comment'|lang} {else} {'Write a comment'|lang} {/if} {/if}
    # #----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ # {if !empty($googleMap)}
    {/if} {displayAd place="underInformationCompany"} {/if} # #----[ AFTER ADD ]------------------------------------------ # {if $setting.commentsDisplayMethod == "siteDetails" && ($displayCommentForm || !empty($comments))}

    {'Comments'|lang}: {$site.siteTitle}

    {foreach from=$comments value=comment}
    {$comment.pseudo} {'wrote on'|lang}, {$|strtotime|date:$setting.dateFormat}:

    {/foreach} {if $displayCommentForm}
    Ajouter un commentaire
    {if $setting.captchaEnabledOnComments} {/if}
    {'Security code'|lang}: {'Captcha/show/link_black_grey_small'|action}
    {/if} # #----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------ # templates/arfooo/site/keyword.tpl # #----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ #


    # #----[ AFTER ADD ]------------------------------------------ # {if !empty($keyword.description)}
    {/if} # #----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------ # templates/arfooo/webmaster/logIn.tpl # #----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------ #
    # #----[ REPLACE WITH ]------------------------------------------ #
    15) In the folder 'templates/arfooo/comment/' replace the file 'popup.tpl' on your server. 16) In the folder 'templates/arfooo/includes/' replace the file 'pageNavigation.tpl' on your server. 17) In the folder 'templates/arfooo/javascript/' replace the file 'config.tpl' on your server. 18) In the folder 'templates/arfooo/webmaster/' replace the files 'submit2.tpl' and 'submitWebsite.tpl' on your server. 19) In the folder 'templates/arfooo/webmaster/' upload new files 'confirmSiteEmail.tpl' and 'confirmUserEmail.tpl' on your server. 20) In the folder 'templates/arfooo/ upload new folder 'newsletter/' on your server. 21) Upload on your server the folder 'install/ Once uploaded folder, go to the following url: 22) !!!!!!! WARNING !!!!!!!! 23) Read the instructions if you could lose data, it is necessary to safeguard your database. 24) ONLY 1 Click on the button "Update Now!" " 25) Delete the folder 'install/' 26) Delete the contents of the folders 'cache/'and 'compiled/' except .htaccess file and update several times the page on your directory with your browser (IE, Mozilla, Opera ...) If you encounter other problems a forum is at your disposal: